2nd Goal reached!
Which means:
– Develop a Tutorial video once a month.
– Employ an artist to commission a piece of artwork once every three months.
– Design 1 New perk a Month for the LoR Core RPG
As well as the previous Goal of:
– Run a fortnightly play test taking screen shots and create a write up of the sessions for the website.
– Record the Play Test sessions and upload to the website.
If we reach the next Goal this is what will be delivered!
– Commission a 2nd artist to create filler art once every 4 months.
– Create gift items with artwork on.
– Start development of the Living World Web Pages.
– Provide a Video detailing locations once every quarter.
– Add another Regular Live Stream Session with viewer interaction for of My LoR Core RPG Game.
– A quarterly Video saying thank you to all my supporters and showing whats been developed so far.
Thank you so much to all my Patron Supports! You support means so much and with it I have already achieved so much in the past few months!