The Daily Post: CORE World Thursday – 2nd September 2021

Hi GMD Online Fans/Members!

As most of you know each Thursday is dedicated to updating/creating content for our GMD CORE RPG: CORE Worlds range.

The Worlds I work on are voted on by the members or are requested to be updated by way of using forms available on the XP Chart.

XP Chart can be found here:

Feel free to use the forms on the XP chart to request updates for your favourite Campaign Settings! (CORE Worlds)

Product a Month Progress!

Yesterday I announced that the Septembers Product will be the Adversaries, Allies & Encounters Guide. Luckily the cover has already been done and here is what I have added today!

I have defined the follower types of followers:

  • Villains
  • Heroes
  • Goons
  • Sidekicks
  • Bystanders
  • Pets

I have also included the Training Specialisation from the V&M Guide

Here is the raw text I have added, please feel free to look over it and report any issues or queries. (You will need to be logged in as a member to view this content)

You need to earn 1 XP to access this reward


Not had a chance to add a lot of information today due to the start of the current challenge. But while I was sitting here I did manage to write a short paragraph: (You need to be logged in as a member to gain a preview of the creation of the First City)

You need to earn 1 XP to access this reward

Starfall: CORE World

I have managed to add rules for Zero-G Terrain Effect to the Starfall Campaign setting. I have not updated the PDF yet as it is only a small paragraph and will wait until I have some more rules to make it worthwhile. Here is what I have written so far: (You need to be logged in as a member to view the following content)

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Today I have tried to include Mac Makenzie on the Cover, but I have experienced some difficulty with the rendering. So I will have to start again with him I think…

A total waste of an hour, but hopefully next week I will make better progress with this setting.


I have added some details about Thassalos to the LoR CORE World. I have not managed to update the CORE World PDF but I will update the PDF once I have more content making it worthwhile downloading.

Why Thassalos?

I have been writing an adventure to showcase LoR and the Thassalos region. So I thought while my creative mind juices were flowing in that direction I would add the content to the CORE World.

Here is a Preview of theThassalos Entry so far: (Only members logged in will be able to see the following content)

You need to earn 1 XP to access this reward

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