Last month I started to create The Oracle a GMD Online Magazine and it was a success!
As well as all the links as normal to your rewards and posts for ease of navigation. I have started to expand the magazine to include some nifty little articles too. I intend to expand upon this magazine as months go on too…
In addition to your Rewards, I want to offer FREE advertising to your Clubs, Online Gaming areas, YouTube Channels, Twitch Channels, Discord Servers etc…
So any Patreon Member wishing to advertise for FREE, please contact me.
The Oracle
The Oracle is a FREE Gaming magazine designed and published by GMD Online. Its primary purpose is to provide the GMD Online Members with a location to obtain their rewards with a single click.
As well as providing our members with an easy navigation system to obtain rewards for their Tier of support, The Oracle also serves to inform Members and fans of GMD Online news of current and future products.
Also, Fans and Members have started to provide articles to be included within the pages of the magazine. Since this is a FREE magazine the articles are provided for free. The Oracle is a great way to showcase your work and talent. If it is CORE RPG related then all the better.
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