Our latest play test session was testing the Powers for GMD CORE RPG.
The play testers put together quickly some super powered characters and off they went, mopping up the minor NPCs that I had them face.
The NPCs managed to stand against them and seriously damage one of the characters before being defeated.
But concern over the Enhanced Statistics Power giving the older Modifier System rather than the Damage Bonus Dice system that we were testing, was seriously unbalancing.
So with a quick tweak to their character sheets, give the enhanced power adding dice to their pool rather than a straight modifier. Resulted in a exciting encounter between the group and one of the characters.
As a result of the play test the powers will be altered to reflect the new Damage Bonus. Also I have decided to give the Skills and the Perks, yet again another overhaul.
The CORE RPG grows from strength to strength every week.
I would like to thank Eusi, Hrefn, Spike and Woadan for their support during the play test.