Pegasus Engine CORE RPG Design Preview

With the imminent arrival of the AAE Guide & Pegasus Engine Kickstarter. (Hoping to launch 25th May!) I have made a start on the design for the internal pages for both books. 

I am loving the new sleek sexy hex style and I have managed to maintain the art-heavy appearance without compromising space. 

This will be the style for all Pegasus Engine Books and the AAE Guide will match it. 

I will be maintaining the color schemes from the original CORE RPG for chapters and stats etc as well as the icons. 

The Pegasus Engine Build-0A-Box is also looking nice

Although I still have to complete the artwork for six covers. 

I could not have done any of this without the support and belief from all of my Patreon & GMD VUP Members or my Kickstarter backers!

You are my Champions!

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