MVP: StarGuard – End of Times

With S:975 hot on their heels the team enter the ice mining base and find their way to the engineering where the time-portal stands. de-frosting GREG once more and rigging him up as a bomb they send him into the approaching bots… meanwhile stepping out of the Mirror, Beast and Arc-Light warn the team that they need to travel to the future with them to stop S:875 once and for all…

But, they needed Magnetism to accomplish their task… So providing the team with bracelets that would allow them to travel to the future portal, the team went back in time.

Mirror and her team traveled back to their time to protect the portal from bots who were trying to destroy it and prevent the past team from coming to their aid.

Magnetism was reluctant to listen to the StarGuard now recruits, and with a little of persuasion they all went to Mirrors teams aid.

Joining forces they stormed S:875 stronghold to discover that he had a time-portal and was activating it ready to make a full scale attack. Past & Future Starguard made battle with S:875 and his lackeys and destroyed the time portal…

The team found themselves waking scattered across space and dimensions…. But that is another tale…

What player won MVP? Read on…

1st Place: SPIKE

2nd Place: HREFN


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