Starfall: The Intrepid – The heroes are crew on board the Starship Intrepid. A newly commissioned craft with a newly commissioned crew of several hundred. Under the command of Captain Edari, the ship has been tasked to venture beyond the borders of Polarian Space to encounter new allies and warn the alliance of new enemies.
This is a Campaign Playtest series with the following cast:
The Cast
Captain Fang Edari
Tactician (Actor: Rich)
Race: Breegan
Skilled in Diplomacy, Tactics, A Variety of Ship Operations
Brief Background:
From the Breegan homeworld, Captain Edari was recently promoted after serving as the first officer on the PASN Astron.
Lieutenant Peridot
Enhancer (Actor: WAracolyte)
Race: Xarian
Doctor and robotics specialist.
Brief Background:
Joined the Intrepid as chief Medical Officer. She managed to pull strings to bring her sister Jadisin, who is dying of a rare Xarian erosion disease in the hopes to discover a cure beyond the borers of Alliance Space.
Corporal Bruuk
Scrapper (Actor: Eusi)
Race: Felorian
Skilled in Felorian Guerilla warfare.
Brief Background:
Bruuk served in the Felorian Army on Felor before her Pride has been given the honour to be selected to join the Polarian Military.
Lt Juniour Jag
Defender (Actor: NoQuarter)
Race: Polarian
Engineering & Mechanical specialist.
Brief Background:
Serving under his former head of staff, and slightly abusive superior, Tokker, on a Xarian Mining with his good friend Tia. They all signed up to join the Intrepid. But the tides were turned and Jag was given a higher command than Tokker…
Specialist Kroom
Defender (Actor: Silvereagle)
Race: Kreen
Skilled in protection and stealth. Kroom is also incredibly observant.
Brief Background:
Kroom has served for many years as a heardmaster on the Kreen Mothership the Quercus, overseeing the Kreen Saplings. Now chosen to join the Intrepid and look for a new home for the Kreen after their forest world burned to ashes.
Knight Loev Covis
Agitator (Actor: Woadan)
Race: Polarian
Loev is a skilled interrogator and religious guide.
Brief Background:
Loev has been knighted within the order of the Galactic Light after serving for most of his life within the inquisition of the order on Theopolis. Now promoted to serve and guide the souls of those aboard the Intrepid.
All artwork was created by GMD Online and supplied for free as part of the GMD Online Membership package. I want to say thank you to all Members for believing in and supporting GMD Online.
As the crew made their way back to the Intrepid, news flash saw an increase in the votes for the Lon Faction. Captain Edari decided that it would be prudent to get off the starbase and back into jump space asap.
Boarding the Intrepid the crew made their way urgently to the bridge. Ordering the Intrepid to head to the jump gate, Edari decided to take the opportunity to visit Med Bay to check up on Ensign Harris.
Met with Lt Peridot, who informed the Captain that the Ensign was not recovering. Slowly Fang entered her booth and activated the privacy screen. For a moment he sat with Ensign Harris who just stared out at nothing. After some time, he reached across and placed his hand on her shoulder, and whispered, ‘Take all the time you need, when you are ready I need my top comms officer’.
Ensign Covis escorted the new cadet Vola-Zi to her new quarters and then made his way to the bridge.
The captain returned, just as the Intrepid approached the Gate, joining a long line of civilian craft approaching the gate to Felorian Space.
Covis reported that sensors picked up: 2 Battle Cruiser2, 3 Battle Ship2, 5 Destroyers, and 10 Patrol Fighters guarding the gate. Communications received permission for the ship to start its approach vector for gate entry when Covis reported that one of the Battleships was raising its shields.
Concerned Captain Edari ordered Helmsman Popkiss to enter the gate as quickly as possible. Popkiss said there is a Heavy Freighter ahead of the line, and it is not moving quickly.
Covis’s sensors suddenly detected a spike in the battleship’s weapons and moments later it destroyed a battle cruiser near the gate… Chaos erupted.
What player won MVP? Read on…