MVP: Beasts & Barbarians – Issue 13


The heroes regroup in the smoldering ruins of Caladon, spurred on by their rage, they head out to find the slavers who took their people! Journeying through the icy fog, over snow covered plains and into the Dread Swamps. Dar finds a suitable island in the stagnant freezing fog, but their presence had not gone by unnoticed. Mondath the colossal  armour plated serpent attempts to hypnotize Fulfgrim and call him into the swamps. Turnus breaks the bond with a masterful throw of his weapon! A Mighty battle ensures and they manage to Drive off Mondath making a deadly new enemy and their journey through the swamps even more dangerous.

What player won MVP? Read on…

1st Place: RICH

2nd Place: MFOGG

3rd Place: HREFN

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