Hi Patron…

If you have not already seen the links on Discord or on our website, here is a direct link to the GMD CORE RPG Rules. This is still pretty much a work in progress while the play testing is still going strong.

But the main mechanics are there and staying.

So what is the rules current state?

Well I am extremely happy with system. After all these years seeing it come to fruition is rewarding. I have to thank you all my supportive community for believing in me.

Updating the rules has been fun and the play testing that has taken place has been enlightening.

The Powers are still a work in progress, the team are working on the balancing and NRG costs. But a full Powers list is available.

An Equipment List , Bestiary and Vehicle / Mounted combat rules as well as warfare are soon to follow.

I am currently organising the artwork for a new Cover as originally planned with the heroes battling Villains from all genres and settings. Champions and above have had the chance to choose which of their characters will join the spotlight of heroes on the front cover.

But I will be asking soon for everyone to choose a hero to be showcased within the actual pages of the book. All Supporters of all Tier Levels will get to choose a hero to be illustrated in the CORE RPG.

I have also started creating the actual PDF of the Rules book as well. So far sitting at 60 pages without images and the Powers List is pretty damned good.

I will also be spending some time in the future organising the web page so that the rules read clearer. So to help me know where to start, if you come across any of the section that just doesn’t make sense let me know, either on Here, Discord or in a comment on the Rules page.

So I will be working closely with each of you over the next month or so, getting your approval for images and characters through out the rules book.

Thank you all for your support! 

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